Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My Son's First "Graduation"

Having spent years ridiculing the idea of 4 and 5 year old kids having "graduations" I find my self in the awkward position of having a 4 year old. I hadn't really planned on anything, but today I went to pick him up at daycare and he was grinning from ear to ear. His teacher informed me that he was being moved up to the rainbow room (big kids) and he was beside himself with excitement. He even got his teacher to write a fairly substantial note, which he dictated. He often "writes" us notes. No, he is no genius, he can spell his name, and a few simple words. Mostly he just strings together his favorite letters and draws a picture. However, I think this was so important to him, that he really wanted to make sure it was right. So he got his teacher to take his dictation, and I am sure his teacher helped him with the wording, but we got a fairly long and informative note about the upcoming matriculation.

So. There is not impending graduation ceremony in my future. I couldn'thelp but to be really happy with him though. Maybe, just maybe, I will stop ridiculing the idea of graduations for four year olds.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

My First Post

I am going to try hard to write in this once in a while, although I must admit I will probably be lazy. Anyway, we'll use this to keep my friends and family up to date of our lives.